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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life As We Know It Movie Review

Life As We Know It=****1/2

Alison (Christina Hendricks) and Peter (Hayes MacArthur) are happily married, have a gorgeous home, and a beautiful baby daughter named Sophie. But the happiness they feel in each other's presence doesn't spread to their best friends. A few years back Alison tried to set up her best friend, bakery owner/caterer Holly (Heigl), with Peter's best friend, up-and-coming TV sports director Eric (Duhamel), and the results were disastrous. Eric acted like a complete jerk and Holly called the date off before they'd even pulled away from the curb. Since that time, Holly and Eric have continued to get on each other's nerves, and their mutual dislike is obvious.  

When a horrific accident thrusts the two together, they're forced to put most of their feelings of intense dislike toward each other aside. Alison and Peter left their precious Sophie in Eric and Holly's care, and though the thought of having to live in the same house and raise a child together would never have crossed their minds in happier times, the two find a way to tolerate each other for Sophie's sake. As they put aside their differences for the greater good, Holly and Eric discover there's more to one another than initially meets the eye.

Life As We Know It  directed by Greg Berlanti and is rated PG-13 for sexual material, language.

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